martes, 1 de mayo de 2012



Como fruto de la campaña iniciada con la OMS en fecha 12 de mayo del 2011, Conjuntamente con Asociaciones de enfermos, Grupo de expertos, Médicos, Científicos y  profesionales de la salud

la clasificación de enfermedades de la OMS - CIE-11
de la Sensibilidad Química Múltiple (SQM) y
la Electrohipersensibilidad (EHS)

Es inexcusable  y perentorio la inclusión  de estas  severas enfermedades en la Clasificación Internacional de la OMS en el         CIE- 11  que se encuentra en fase de elaboración, que todos los países europeos reconozcan estas enfermedades:

-      Considerando que se debe erradicar las desigualdades en materia de salud entre los diferente países europeos.
-      Que los afectados por SQM y por EHS son grupos de riesgo vulnerables a los problemas de exposición a la contaminación ambiental y a las ondas electromagnéticas.
-      Estas enfermedades han dejado de ser casos aislado para convertirse en una amenaza tangible para la salud humana.

La SQM esta reconocida en Alemania, Austria, Francia y Luxemburgo. No  en el resto de los países miembros de la Comunidad Europea, lo cual es discriminatorio  para los enfermos y enfermas  de los otros países. 
La EHS,  está reconocida como discapacidad en Suecia. 

Los enfermos de la Comunidad Europea se han unido a esta iniciativa ante el Parlamento Europeo y apoyan a los europarlamentarios que  han presentado con la campaña “One Code 4 MCS-4 EHS”. De un total de 755 Europarlamentarios se debe obtener el visto bueno de  la mayoría es decir, 378 firmantes para que la Declaración Escrita sea aprobada por el Parlamento Europeo. 
Rogamos den la máxima difusión entre sus grupos políticos,  dado la situación de desprotección de las personas afectadas de estas enfermedades
 Fecha final- 14/06/2012

Enlaces  y documentos para firmar la campaña:

Plantilla: onecode4MCS4EHS

Petición de voto en Ingles:

Carta enviada OMS- (firmantes)


Agradeciendo la colaboración urgente y vital para muchos enfermos y enfermas, me despido atentamente, en nombre de la Junta Directiva de ALTEA-SQM  y el mío propio:

       Presidenta: Cristobalina Bejarano Lepe- Móvil:  606 289 594
                  C/ Hinojos nº 18, bajo – 21006 HUELVA – ESPAÑA


Petición de VOTO a Eurodiputados (texto en ingles)

·    Various European Union Institutions have recognized the toxic effects on health caused by the cocktail of chemicals existing in the environment.
·    It has also been recognized the emergence of environmental diseases such as: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and the Electrohypersensitivity (EHS).
·    Both diseases show a high prevalence which keeps increasing.
·    The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized the potential carcinogenicity of electromagnetic waves.
·    There is scientific literature in abundance which justifies the existence of both diseases.
·    Spain issued on November the 30th a consensus document on MCS which recognizes the environmental nature of MCS and recommends that it should be included in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD).
·    There are countries in Europe, such as Germany, Luxembourg and Austria which have already included MCS in their ICD.
·    In Sweden, EHS is already considered a disability.
·    There are numerous court decisions that recognize the environmental nature of these diseases.
The WHO recognizes the sovereignty of countries to set modifications in their ICDs

·    Ill people exist but are not being treated equally everywhere in the European Union  due to the lack of a code for each of these diseases.
·    Ill patients need immediate response.
·    Correct diagnoses need to be made, urgently implement palliative treatments as long as healing treatments keep not being achieved, and also more research projects need to take place on different subjects.
·    Patients need to access to and receive recognition of their rights on health, labor, legal, environmental and social standards

·    The Written Declaration should result in a response to the need to allocate patients in safe environments and in housing which would be adapted for these patients. We do not currently have places to live in without health risk.
·    Urgent measures for prevention should be taken. Legislation should be implemented for protection against the chemical and electromagnetic pollution, given that both factors interact in humans and are causing emerging diseases to occur.

Human being's health is extremely vulnerable
to the surrounding environment

We would be grateful if you can SIGN this Written Declaration supporting sufferers of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome and Hyperelectrosensitivity.

MEPs who author this Written Declaration:
Kriton Arsenis (S&D)
Willy Meyer (IU; GUE),
Michel Rivasi (Verdes/ALE)
Raül Romeva (ICV; Verdes/ALE)
Oreste Rossi (EFD)

PLANTILLA CAMPAÑA onecode 4MCS 4 EHS en ingles

           European Union Institutions have recognized the toxic effects on health caused by the cocktail of chemicals existing in the environment.

           It has also been recognized the emergence of environmental diseases such as: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and the Electrohypersensitivity (EHS).

           Both diseases show a high prevalence which keeps increasing.

           The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized the potential carcinogenicity of electromagnetic waves.

           There is scientific literature in abundance which justifies the existence of both diseases.

           Spain issued on November the 30th a consensus document on MCS which recognizes the environmental nature of MCS and recommends that it should be included in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD).

           There are countries in Europe, such as Germany, Luxembourg and Austria which have already included MCS in their ICD.

           In Sweden, EHS is already considered a disability.

           There are numerous court decisions that recognize the environmental nature of these diseases.

           The WHO recognizes the sovereignty of countries to set modifications in their ICDs.

Why is your signature essential?

           Ill people exist but are not being treated equally everywhere in the European Union due to the lack of a code for each of these diseases.

           Ill patients need immediate response.

           Correct diagnoses need to be made, urgently implement palliative treatments as long as healing treatments keep not being achieved, and also more research projects need to take place on different subjects.

           Patients need to access to and receive recognition of their rights on health, labor, legal, environmental and social standards.

           The Written Declaration should result in a response to the need to allocate patients in safe environments and in housing which would be adapted for these patients. We do not currently have places to live in without health risk.

           Urgent measures for prevention should be taken.Legislation should be implemented for protection against the chemical and electromagnetic pollution, given that both factors interact in humans and are causing emerging diseases to occur.

Human being's health is extremely vulnerable
to the surrounding environment

We would be grateful if you can SIGN this Written Declaration supporting sufferers of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome and Hyperelectrosensitivity.

MEPs who author this Written Declaration:
Kriton Arsenis (S&D)
Willy Meyer (IU; GUE)
Michel Rivasi (Verdes/ALE)
Raül Romeva (ICV; Verdes/ALE)
Oreste Rossi (EFD)